Saturday, January 28, 2017

Growth Mindset: Growth Through Quotes

Something New 
(Source: Twitter)

This is something that I have put much thought in, especially recently. I feel that this quote is extremely relevant when it comes to universities. Many people take certain classes because they are "blow off classes." What this means, is that several students look for what they believe would be an easy class. They want to take a class where they will not do a whole lot but still get credit. They are not learning something from this, but just practicing things that they already knew. 

Mindsets such as these are very limited. If you think about it, you are paying thousands of dollars to just sit in a room and listen to things that you already know, and do things that are easy to you. Instead of challenging ourselves, we have accepted that we rather take the easy route instead of the route that would lead us to explore new subjects and ideas.

Growing is an important par of life. Growing our mind is part of that growth. Constantly learning new concepts helps us expand our mind. I decided my sophomore year I would never take a class because I thought it was a "blow off" class. I would only take classes where I thought I could get something out of it. I love this quote because it is everything that I believe. 


  1. I am so glad the growth mindset stuff is resonating with you, Mehik! It really works for me too, both in terms of inspiration, and also in terms of the brain science (the biology of neuroplasticity, how your brain really does grow new connections, etc.). And thank you for that great graphic: I have added it to my collection! :-)

  2. I completely agree with you. College is a time to really challenge yourself. I think it takes people some time to realize that because college can be very overwhelming at times, but when you intentionally set yourself up for a challenge, and complete that challenge with a good grade, the sense of accomplishment is one of the best feelings because it wasn’t a “blow off” class.
