Monday, April 17, 2017

Week 13 Story Planning: Greedy Makes You Needy

Character #1 – Mother – This is a mother who is selfish and greedy. She does not care about her three daughters. She did not want to have them in the first place. This mother would barely put food on the table. She did not care about her daughter’s wellbeing. She was also an alcoholic. This mother just cared about getting money one way or another. This will be the first character I reveal.

Character #2 - Courtney – Courtney is the oldest of the 3 daughters. She has assumed the role of the mother. She cooks dinner for her sisters. She makes sure their laundry is done. She helps them with homework. Courtney is a senior in college. She is also Pre-Med. Courtney has taken out a lot of loans and has had many jobs to pay for everything.

Character #3 – Jasmine – Jasmine is the second oldest. Jasmine is a freshmen in college. She does as much as she can to help out Courtney with running the house hold. Jasmine is an engineering major. She is also very hard working and determined. Jasmine is studious and very intelligent, but also has a risky side to her. Jasmine has anger management problems and despise her mother.

Character #4 – Lilly- Lilly is the youngest of the three. She is a senior in high school. Lilly like her sisters are very mature for her age. She is hard working and dedicated. She is a cheerleader. She makes good grades and is part of the honor society. Lilly is the one who has the soft spot for her mother. She is the one that is most willing to give her mother the money she makes working her part time job. Lilly is attending college after she graduates as a pre-law major.

The story will be about how this mother does not care one bit about her daughters until they become something. All three daughters will end up being successful. Then the mother will come crying to them for help and their support. She will ask for money and a place to live. She will go to each daughter, and each daughter will handle things very differently. It will show that being greedy cannot get you anywhere. This story is based off the story “The Mallard that Asked for Too Much.” The mother in this story was greedy and wanted to pluck all of the gold feathers off the bird in case the bird would not return. When she attempted to do this the gold feathers were not gold anymore and bird flew away and never came back.

The Greedy Mother


Shedlock. Eastern Stories and Legends by Marie Shedlock. Reading part A & B.


  1. I like the idea of this story a lot. In my personal opinion I would like to see how you will write this story because of how interesting the character's dynamic would be. I think greedy is something a lot of countries look at America as being and this story is relevant to what many people may struggle with. It is a good lesson to learn when someone is trying to have a happy life.

  2. I think this will make a great story! You have done a great job of describing the roles of all the characters, and it seems like you really know what you want to do with this. I am intrigued by the drama with the mother and the daughters, I love drama!! I also like the lesson you are teaching the readers. I think it will make a great purpose for your story. I'm excited to come back and see how you do this!

  3. This story looks like it will be a very fun read. I like how you were very descriptive with how you will use the characters in this story. I believe this story could end up being a great lesson for many readers. So many of us have dealt with people who only need us when they want something.

  4. Hey Mehik! I really enjoyed reading this story. The creativity and imagination you put into it is evident from the beginning. The individual description of each character was great. This really helped paint a picture in my head about how each one behaves. I can tell your story will be high in drama so it will be a very exciting read. Good job!
