Thursday, January 19, 2017

My Transition to a Growth Mindset

Growth mindset is a topic that I was not familiar with until now. I have never heard about Carol Dweck until today. I really liked the transcripts that I read. I think that she makes several good points. One in particular that caught my eye was the question "Are we raising our kids to be obsessed with getting A's?" To be completely honest I definitely think we are. We are always told that getting an A in the class proves so much about yourself. However, I do not think that this is the case. I think that a letter grade might have more to do with effort than it does intelligence. I like the mindset that you are just not there YET. Meaning that a person is still learning and growing regardless if they fail at a thing or two. I know for myself I learn better when working with someone 1 on 1 or in a smaller setting. However, there are times where I am in class with 400 people at once. With the growth mindset I can tell myself that this will be a challenge that I can succeed in. A class that I am excited for this semester is History of Racism. A class that I think will be my hardest is class is possibly Ethics for Intercollegiate Athletics. However, with the growth mindset I trust that I will do just fine.

To grow yourself, you must know yourself. 

1 comment:

  1. I also really like the idea of being told “you’re just not there yet.” This reminds me that there is still hope, and I can always improve. Improvement doesn’t have to be making a certain letter grade. I feel this type of mindset should be taught everywhere. I have also taken this into account for my academic career to better myself when I struggle in some of my courses.
